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About me

35 years old, speaker, author, designer / Germany / Israel

Vita (important stations): studies Theological Seminary Rheinland, leadership by youth work and group work  in various associations, employee of German Christian Endeavour – “echt”, radio show EC Talk&Music (2009-2011),6 years management in own company, Creative Director advertising and media agency b3plus GmbH, a founding member and leader of Church goes Pub-Rotenburg (2014),  project and construction of the Jumpers e. V.- family center in Salzgitter (2015), secretary for public relations and networking Jumpers- youth perspective e. V. (2015-2016)


Project Management: One Hope- Project “Bible app for kids” App. (Recommendation_Benjaminfunk PDF-file)

Workshop: Advertisement and Imagespot Development

“The workshop shows Benjamin’s great experience, which he likes to share with the attendees, with excellent visualization, sustained handouts and contextual material and software tips. Thank you very much.”
Christoph Müller, Head of Devision Niedersächsischer EC, Germany

National & international

I live in Germany and Israel. I will gladly come to you – national and international.

Social Entrepreneur

I like to meet new people and bringing them together.

Dare to do new

“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”.


“Lead or follow or get out of the way” – has become an important guideline in my life.